We affirm the fundamental truths of orthodox evangelical Christianity, which anchor our faith and practice.

Faith Statement of Leeds Maranatha Evangelical Church Doctrine.


We believe in the inerrancy of Scripture, holding that the Bible, composed of the Old and New Testaments, is the inspired, infallible Word of God. It serves as the ultimate authority for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness.

The Triune God:

We believe in one God, eternally existent in three distinct and co-equal Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each Person of the Trinity is fully God, sharing the same divine essence and attributes.

God the Father:

We believe that God the Father is personal, transcendent, and sovereign, the Creator and Sustainer of all things. He is holy, loving, and just, deserving of our worship, obedience, and adoration.

Jesus Christ:

We believe that Jesus Christ is both fully God and fully human. He was born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, and provided for the atonement of humanity's sins through His vicarious and substitutionary death on the Cross. Jesus Christ was bodily resurrected by the power of the Holy Spirit, ascended to the right hand of God the Father, and continues to intercede for believers. Following His ascension, He poured out the Holy Spirit on His followers, empowering them to fulfil His command to preach the Gospel to all nations—a mission that remains the0 responsibility of every believer.

The Holy Spirit:

We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity. He convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment and indwells every believer at the moment of salvation. The Holy Spirit provides guidance, comfort, and empowerment for holy living and effective service, equipping believers with spiritual gifts for the edification of the Church and the advancement of God's kingdom.

Humanity and Salvation:

We believe that all people are created in the image of God but are separated from Him by sin, both by nature and by choice. This separation renders humanity spiritually dead and incapable of earning salvation through personal effort. However, salvation, redemption, and forgiveness are freely offered to all by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. When an individual repents of sin, places their faith in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord, and trusts Him for salvation, they are born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. At that moment, they are sealed by the Spirit, their sins are forgiven, and they become children of God, assured of eternal life in His presence.

The Mission of the Church:

We believe that the Church, the body of Christ, is composed of all believers who have been redeemed by His sacrifice. The Church exists to glorify God, to edify its members, and to spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Every believer is called to participate in this mission, sharing the hope of salvation and demonstrating the love of Christ in word and deed.

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit:

We believe in the spiritual gifts as outlined in the Scriptures, affirming that they are valid and active today when exercised within the boundaries set by Scripture. These gifts are given by the Holy Spirit for the edification of the Church and the glory of God. Believers are encouraged to earnestly desire and seek the best gifts, using them in love and grace to build up the Body of Christ. We uphold that love is the greatest virtue, surpassing even the most extraordinary spiritual gifts. Without love, the exercise of these gifts is meaningless and unfruitful.

Church Governance:

We believe that church governance should be simple and free from unnecessary complexity or bureaucracy. The Church is to be Spirit-led, relying on the guidance and empowerment of the Holy Spirit rather than human ambition or worldly methods. This approach fosters humility, unity, and a dependence on God’s wisdom and direction.

The Second Coming of Christ:

We believe in the personal, visible, and pre-millennial return of Jesus Christ to the earth, when He will come with His saints to reign in righteousness. This blessed hope inspires us to live holy and godly lives, offering worship with sincere hearts, engaging in committed service, and diligently studying God’s Word. In anticipation of His return, we prioritize regular fellowship, partake in Holy Communion, and practice adult baptism by immersion as an outward expression of faith and obedience.

The Power of God’s Word:

We believe that the faithful teaching and application of God’s Word transforms lives. As individuals receive and live out the truth of Scripture, they are empowered to grow in spiritual maturity and Christlikeness. The Bible serves as the foundation for equipping believers for every good work, nurturing a deeper relationship with God, and guiding them in all areas of life.

Leeds Maranatha Evangelical Church Mission Statement

At LMEC, we believe that we are part of the Church—the body of Christ—made up of all believers redeemed through His sacrifice.
Our mission is to glorify God, strengthen and equip our members in faith and love, and proclaim the Gospel to our local community in Leeds and beyond. We are committed to sharing the hope of salvation and reflecting the love of Christ in both word and deed.
Vision Statement
To be a vibrant, Christ-centred church that transforms lives through worship, discipleship, and outreach. In Leeds, we strive to be a beacon of hope, fostering unity, spiritual growth, and a sense of belonging among believers, while inspiring our community to experience the love and grace of Jesus Christ.
Objective in Leeds
Our objective is to serve the city of Leeds by:
• Reaching out to the local community with the Gospel, offering hope and salvation.
• Supporting the spiritual and practical needs of individuals and families in Leeds.
• Building a welcoming environment that reflects the love of Christ and creates meaningful connections. Partnering with local organizations to bring about positive change and foster unity across Leeds.

History of Leeds Maranatha Evangelical Church

Leeds Maranatha Evangelical Church, LMEC, was officially established in July 2017 through the unification of two congregations: Leeds Christian Fellow Church and Leeds Emmanuel Christian Fellowship Church. This significant step was taken with a shared vision of fostering unity among Christians in Leeds and creating a stronger, more impactful community of faith.
The primary objective of the merger was to pool resources and talents, enabling the newly formed church to achieve goals that would have been challenging to accomplish independently. One key aspiration was to secure a permanent place of worship that LMEC could call its own providing a stable and welcoming space for worship, fellowship, and outreach.
Another critical focus of the merger was to enhance and strengthen the children’s ministry. While this goal is still being fully realized, LMEC has made significant strides by bringing together the expertise and dedication of members from both churches. The church continues to work toward building a robust and dynamic ministry for children, aiming to equip them with a solid foundation in the Word of God and nurture their spiritual growth.
Additionally, LMEC was established to support individuals with a calling to serve the Lord in a full-time capacity. By uniting resources and building a stronger church community, LMEC seeks to encourage and empower those who are dedicated to ministry, enabling them to thrive and fulfil their God-given purpose.
Since its establishment, LMEC has faced challenges and periods of transition, as is common in the life of any growing church. However, through perseverance, faith, and a steadfast commitment to its founding principles, LMEC has continued to grow and shine as a source of hope and inspiration for the people of Leeds. These experiences have strengthened the church’s resolve to remain united in Christ, fostering spiritual growth and impacting the community with the love of God.

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